Miss Tooro 2015: Beauty queens from around the Tooro region gathered in Fort portal for pageant final.
1ST runners-up: MissMutunzo Mitchel
OVERALL QUEEN:Miss Kajumba Kethen
2ND runners-up;MissKusiima Edith
The glamorous group of three angels were unveiled last week in at the (Mountains of the Moon) in the capital of Tooro.
Beauty queens gathered in Fortportal for crowning.The beautiful Queens produced this stunning effect because they were the
literal embodiment of the human ideal. When you see a truly beautiful
woman in person, you briefly experience a hint of humanity's greatest
potential. You essentially receive a concentrated drug hit of life
itself. A beautiful woman is
life, not in the sense that she is the meaning of life, but that she is
the physical embodiment of life, the most utterly pure and concrete form
of the abstract notion of what it means to be alive. It's an almost
mystical experience in that it feels otherworldly.These beautiful angels, when
seen in contrast with the unremarkable appearance of the average queens,
seem almost to be heavenly creatures. A beautiful woman can be,
literally, intoxicating and so is these three Miss Tooro
The beautiful ladies are even more captivating because we instinctively
understand (even if we do not believe) how fleeting their beauty will
be given years ahead,. Women will usually peak in their beauty somewhere between the age of
16-21 depending on the individual, and will maintain that peak for 2-3
years at best. After that the slow decline begins until the wall hits,
then it's all over. It's like a slow drip of paint that covers the Mona
Lisa, then finally an entire bucket splattered on top. Because we have
foreknowledge of their inevitability and impending decay, experiencing a
beautiful Queen in her prime is thus almost like cheating death, and is
nearly as exhilarating.
It should be noted that what I'm talking about cannot be achieved by looking
at a Photoshopped picture of any random hot girl, or watching an erotica style photo.
When I talk about experiencing a beautiful woman, it has to be in
person, and it has to be with a young woman whose personality matches
her appearance. She must still possess a certain naivety of the world.
She must be carefree in a way that is impossible for a man to
understand. She must feel as if her beauty will never fade. Only then,
in that brief window, does she shine beyond all else. Only then does she
truly express something that cannot be experienced in any other way.
The combination of flawless beauty and youthful insouciance: a taste of
immortality, if only for a moment.
So the new glamorous beauty queens in the region have a bright future after a breakthrough in the sector of Tourism.Lets hope the journey for them to get great does not end here but shines brighter.
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